Noh 能

Kyōgen kata

Kyōgen-kata(狂言方) :  actors who can take the following roles:

  • In a kyōgen play (hon-kyōgen 本狂言), performed independently from a nō play :
    • Shite
    • Ado
    • Ko-ado
  • Within a nō performance (ai-kyōgen 間狂言)
    • Ai (アイ or 間): these are usually roles of servant, local men, or, in some cases, lesser deities. They often perform a narrative section between two acts of a play or, less often, at the beginning of a play. Alternatively, the ai may also appear as followers of the shite or waki and perform alongside them.
    • Kōken(後見): on-stage assistant. Usually one stage assistant sits upstage right during an independent kyōgen performance. The stage assistant is in charge of handing or removing small and hand-held properties, as well as prompting lines.
    • Hataraki(働キ): backstage assistants. Since kyōgen performances usually do not involve large stage properties, the main job of a kyōgen backstage assistant is to help kyōgen actors with their costumes.
  • Kyōgen actors schools are: Ōkura, Izumi.

Contributor: Diego Pellecchia